• Contacting Nokia
To help Nokia promptly answer your questions, please have your phone’s
model number, IMEI number, and your local zip code ready when you call
Customer Service. The IMEI and model number are on back of your phone
under the battery. If you’re calling about an accessory, please have it
available for reference.
Nokia Customer Care Center
7725 Woodland Center Boulevard
Suite 150
Tampa, FL 33614
Tel: 1-888-NOKIA2U (1-888-665-4228)
Fax: 1-813-249-9619
TTY Users: 1-800-24NOKIA
1. This one-key feature might not be available on your system. Contact
your service provider for availability.
Customer Care, Canada
Nokia Products Ltd.
575 Westney Rd. South
Ajax, Ontario L1S 4N7
Tel: 1-888-22NOKIA
Fax: 1-905-427-1070

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Before you begin